10 / 07 / 2023

We renewed our EFR certification

We have renewed our certification as an efr company, awarded by the Másfamilia Foundation. This seal recognises our work in promoting measures that promote and contribute to the well-being and work, family and personal balance of the professionals who form part of our team.

We currently have around forty work-life balance measures that respond to the needs and expectations of our employees and cover aspects such as diversity, co-responsibility and work flexibility.

In order to obtain this seal, the company has gone through several stages, including strategic planning of the measures and benefits for our team, implementation, monitoring and measurement. With an internal and external audit, we have been able to present the results and verify compliance with all the parameters required by the Efr 1000-2 standard.

Our CEO and founder, Miguel Fernández Díaz, states that renewing this certification is proof of the organisation's ongoing commitment to improving and implementing work-life balance measures. In addition, Miguel Fernández Díaz, highlights that all the measures provided in these 25 years of Innovation Strategies' life mean a constant adaptation of the company to the professional and personal demands and needs of the team. 

For her part, our People Manager, Araceli Carretero, assures that the renewal of the efr certification continues to position the company as a benchmark in people commitment, as well as an employer brand capable of keeping pace with the current market. 

About the efr Certificate 

The efr Certificate, developed by Fundación MásFamilia, is a unique tool in the world which provides a simple and effective methodology to enable work-life balance processes in companies, whether they are small, medium or large. It is a management model based on continuous improvement, which responds to a new work culture in the field of corporate social responsibility. 

Corporate policies certified by efr mean an improvement in the reputation of companies, transmitting a strong involvement with the people who make up their organisations. This has a favourable impact on productivity indicators such as attracting and retaining talent, absenteeism, turnover and improving the working environment, among others.
